Our work

Discover a landscape alive with nature

Supporting nature & communities

Our work within Norfolk Coast Protected Landscape focuses on three main themes:

  • Nature recovery
  • Climate change
  • Sustainable development, tourism and coastal access

We manage and support projects that aim to bring benefits in these areas to our landscapes, seascapes and the wildlife and people who live within them.

Apply for funding

Farmer or land manager looking for funding?

We have funding available for projects through the Farming in Protected Landscapes Programme.

Closer to nature
Really escape
Dark skies and bright minds
Closer to nature
Protected landscape

Nature recovery
Bee flying away from flower
Nature recovery
Restoring declining wildlife habitats and biodiversity
Climate change
Climate change
Adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change
Sustainable development, tourism & coastal access
Sustainable development, tourism & coastal access
Supporting communities & landscapes