Protecting nature
Welcoming dogs
This project addressed the balance between welcoming visitors with dogs to the Norfolk coast and preventing disturbance to wildlife and habitats.
In 2019 an extensive report was published: Managing visitors with dogs within The Wash and North Norfolk Marine Partnership (WNNMP) area.
This case study-led review of current policy and practice resulted in recommendations for partnership-wide improvements to protect nature and culture.
Funding from West Norfolk Habitats Monitoring and Mitigation (HMM) Fund enabled the Norfolk Coast Partnership to deliver a joint project with WNNMP to deliver the recommendations from the report.
The recommendations include:
- Guidance notes: produce a series of simple practical guidance notes to support sites in managing their visitors with dogs
- Dog Walking Code : share across sites to ensure consistency in messaging
- Professional dog-walkers workshop session to better support this user group
- Communications strategy support: provide advice to support sites in the development of their communications strategy and influence visitor-facing websites
This project was completed in March 2022.