Discover a landscape alive with nature


Experience dazzling nightly shows

Mother Nature’s nightly show is a breathtaking spectacle.

It is at its most majestic in the very darkest of skies.

Go deep into the wilderness, gaze up to the galaxy and feel closer to nature.

Nature that thrives when darkness falls. Sense it resting from the day, hiding from predators or hunting for prey.

You can see swirls of stars and marvel at the moon anywhere on the Norfolk Coast. But for the very best views, head to one of our four Dark Sky Sites.

Beetles and bats take over from bees and butterflies when they turn in for the day. Minimising artificial light effortlessly protects nocturnal wildlife.

Norfolk’s Dark Sky sites
Norfolk’s Dark Sky sites
Norfolk Coast Dark Skies Festival 2023

Dark Skies Festival 2023-24

Take part in our season of fun events this winter while learning more about the night sky.

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Three people kayaking on along a river
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Three people walking on Holkham beach, through the dunes
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Go green and hop on a bus, train or bike to explore the Norfolk Coast